Snow Day!!
Although it's been a warm winter, we've managed to slip a few snowboarding trips into the schedule. I don't know why I say "we", all I do is wave goodbye, LOL!! On Monday JP, the kids, my mom and Eden went snowboarding. This was Marlie's first trip. JP has been dying to get her on the mountain, but she hasn't been interested until this year. Bryce and Blake were really excited that she was going. I think she was more excited about her new pink goggles, than snowboarding. He spent the morning helping her, while Bryce, Blake, Eden and my mom shredded the mountain :-)
Mom and Eden. They've been to the mountain quite a few times this year. Mom bought them a 6 pack of tickets, so they are getting lots of snowboarding in this season.
Blake takes on a box in the park. You can just barely see him in the distance sliding across it.