Snow day!

While most parts of the country are blanketed in snow, we San Diegans drove an hour to find some snow!! It was a lovely day at Mt Laguna this past Friday. We packed up and were up to the mountains by 10:00am. We found a huge hill, perfect for sledding at a campground in Laguna.

This was Mason's first trip to the snow. He kept yelling "snow snow" the entire drive. He had no idea what snow was, but if we were excited, he thought he should be excited too! When we got there, he looked at the snow for about 2 seconds, then went running up the hill squealing with delight. In typical Mason fashion, he did not like his boots and kept kicking them off. A few times he took them off and tried running around barefoot, which is what he does ALL THE TIME at home. Ha ha to him that doesn't work in the snow, and he'd start crying, "Feet cold Mama!"

Just out of the car, checking out the snow

The shoeless Maso strikes again! (Don't you just love my ginormous snow pants? LOL! Bryce's pants were too small, so he wore mine. I couldn't find my second pair so I had to wear JP's)

Of course JP and Bryce brought thier snowboards, but the snowboarding fun doesn't last too long when you have to carry the board up the hill to ride it down!

Bryce sledded more on his fanny, than that sled!

Marlie took a good head over heels tumble on her second run, so she took a several hour break from sledding. Throwing snowballs at Daddy was even more fun though!
Mason is a true Gonzales boy and had a blast sledding from the very top of the hill. It was exhausting carrying him and the sled to the top, but we had so much fun sliding down. I though he'd be scared, as the sleds were really fast and the hill was steep but he loved it.
Forget about yourself, save the baby! Maso and I took a few tumbles, he though it was funny, I however didn't...

And last but certainly not least, I snowboarded. There you go family members who have been hounding me for umpteen years. Happy now? :-P


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