Tierrasanta tortoise

Since we moved to Tierrasanta, we heard about a giant tortoise that lived nearby. JP saw it a few months ago, but the kids and I hadn't ever seen it.

Last weekend Blake came running into the house yelling. I thought someone was hurt, but no, LOL, the giant tortoise was walking in our cul-de-sac! I ran for the camera so I could snap a few pictures.

He's an African tortoise of some sort (can't remember what type), and the man who was "walking" him said they got him when he was small about the size of a half dollar! This tortoise was so stinkin fast, I couldn't believe it. I thought tortoises were slow, he said that when Kobae walks at full speed you practically have to run to keep up with him. He walks the tortoise like it's a dog, it was so funny!

The tortoise belongs to the man's daughter and son-in-law. He comes and gets the tortoise this time of year and takes it out to Moab to his lodge, where they stay until October. In Moab the tortoise has a 2 acre "cage", that he often escapes from. He said they take the tortoise hiking and that the tortoise can eat about 100 dollars a week in produce!

It was pretty cool, but now I know to say, "No" to any pet requests for an African turtle, these guys get huge! Blake is already counting the days until October, when Kobae will come back from Moab.


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