Works for me Wednesday!

If you have little girls then you have hair stuff! A while back, I was finding hair ties (pony tail holders, whatever you call them) all over the house, in my car outside etc... It seemed like we were buying a new package every month or two, because they were all getting lost. It was driving me crazy to keep replacing hair stuff over and over. I saw a package of hair ties at the store that had a metal ring holding them together and I thought ah ha!

So I ran to the office supply store and picked up a package loose leaf rings. They were cheap, 9 of them for about 4.00. So now every single hair tie in the house that is on a ring. I keep the plain circle ones together and the hair ties with curlies and such on other rings. I even keep one in the car, in case of hair emergencies. After a few months I was amazed, that we had any hair stuff left, Marlie hadn't lost it! The rings keep everything together, no more lost hair stuff!

I have another system for keeping barrettes together, I'll talk about that next time... Find more great ideas Works for me Wednesday ideas at

Ahhh nice organized hair ties.

Even the curlies, and scrunchies work on the metal rings.


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