Craft Camp recap part1

This was year two that I ran a week long craft camp for Marlie's friends. It was so much fun, and so much work, all at the same time! I've had a few friends ask what projects we did, and such so they can duplicate something like it. So here's the re-cap...

Basic info, I charged $40 for the week (but I got all my craft stuff on super sale, so it worked fine being that low). Camp runs from 10-2. They bring their own lunches and water bottles. I have a babysitter that I pick up at 9:30. She occupies Mason, feeds him lunch, and puts him to bed at12:30 (when her mom picks her up.) I absolutely could not do it without a babysitter for Mason! This year my sitter could only help me 3 of 5 days, so my gf's helped the other days.
Last year I had 7 girls at camp, this year I had 10. Last year I had help from my mom during sewing time. This year she wasn't able to come until Friday.

So first off, we do a word of the day. I use lessons from here. We used, Kindness, Harmony, Patience, Joy, and Generosity. I didn't do this last year, but I'm so glad we did this year. It was really important for all the girls to be kind, patient etc... all week. There's only one of me, and 10 of them! We spend about 15 minutes talking about the word, and how it applies to us at craft camp.

Okay that's it for pat 1. I"m tired, I'll write part 2 tomorrow :-)


Just Janet... said…
Wow, I would love to bring Abigail to that. She needs friends her age bad. She is a sweet girl, but most everyone is either 2 years older, or 2 years younger, or lives on the opposite side of town as us. Let me know if you do another one and wouldn't mind her joining.

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