A little underwater starting school...

I think maybe I've spread myself a little too thin this fall. I think I do that to myself a lot, ((sigh)) Anyway, we started school, yay! Our first week was last week, it went better than expected.

Bryce is in 10th grade at The Met high school. He's hoping to land a super amazing internship at a recording studio this year. We are crossing our toes that they will take a high school intern...He has a new advisory teacher who is asking much more of him than last years teacher. So far, he is rising to the occasion.

Marlie is 4th grade this year. She will be working on Singapore math, BJU English and Spelling, Pathway Readers, Beautiful Feet California History, Can Do Cursive, Simple Machines for science, and Draw Squad.

This little stinky cried all morning the first day of school. He wanted to go to preschool, "I don't wanna stay with you mama". Hrm, I've never had one like this before!

Blake is 7th grade. We are using Rod and Staff English, Key to Series, Teaching Textbooks, Draw Squad, Signing Times, Wordly Wise 3000, Sonlight Readers and I still haven't decided for science and history (how lame is that!? but in my defense he takes a history and science class 2 days a week, so I don't have to do a full curriculum) I really should figure it out though...

I should have a picture of me up here. Yes, as if I don't have enough to do, I'm a part-time college student this semester. It's been about 3 weeks, and I sort of feel on top of the work. It's hard to balance everything though, and my crafty stuff is taking a back seat. I think I'm just going to have to deal with less sleep or something though because Christmas is coming... But for now it's studying, bah!


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