Mason is 4 months old!!
Mason turned 4 months old last week. He is such a little cutie, I couldn't resist devoting an entire blog post to him. He is huge, and so we call him Mason the moose. He's 18lbs already and outgrowing 6-12 month clothes. He is starting to chew on toys, and loves a stuffed tigger my Aunt Lisa gave us when Marlie was a baby. His other favorite is this moose toy my friend Denise gave us when he was born. He laughs hysterically if you bounce either of those toys around near him. He is such a little thumb sucker, I couldn't keep it out of his mouth even if I wanted too. He pops the paci out of his mouth and sticks his thumb or two fingers in his mouth instead. He can roll front to back, and scoots himself around in his bed. He takes really long naps, which is a first for my babies!! I guess God knew I'd need that! So without further adieu, here's the cutest 4 month old baby I know ;-)