Did you leave your "goodwill toward men" at home?

I spend way too much time at Costco, too much time and too much money. I think it's because for the last 8 years it's been a 2 mile drive away. Why on earth would I go to the grocery store if blessed Costco is even closer?? When people drive into the Costco parking lot they leave their brains in the car. Oh wait, I think they leave it at home. At Christmas time they forget their "goodwill towards men" at home too.

I went to Costco 3 times last week. The first was a necessity, the second time I should have gotten what I needed when I went the 1st time (but I forgot!). The 3rd time was a party emergency ;-) When I went the first time, I went to the Costco by our new house. This is where everyone left their Christmas spirit at home. People were so rude, it was unbelievable. The major issue? Free samples. Now I like a sample as much as the next person. I especially like the yummy bread and good cheese. But I refuse to push and shove people out of the way, or stick my hand through the crowd to get it. I'm always amazed that a bunch of adults can't wait their turn for a morsel of free food. Do they not see the 3 children who were standing there first waiting politely for the item to be finished cooking? Or the lady with a baby strapped to her chest, do they see her waiting? Or am I sooo skinny that I'm invisible (that *must* be it!), that they must run and stand in front of me!!!

I felt really bad for the women making the samples, they looked frazzled and stressed out as people pushed and shoved their way to the free food. No one said "hello" or even "thank you" to the poor women! When my kids said thank you to one of the ladies, she said it was the first time all day that someone had thanked her.

The rudness extened to the parking lot too. On my second trip, I loaded 10 metal folding chairs in my car while a man scowled at me the whole time. Apparenlty I wasn't vacating my parking spot fast enough.

During my third trip to Costco one lady had "I forgot my brain at home syndrome" and nearly backed into Marlie, Mason and I as we walked thru the parking lot. The lady was waiting for a parking spot and decided to back up, as we walked behind her car. She was only a few inches away from hitting us. Marlie screamed, I yelled, it scared us both. I think it was that "I"m so skinny I must be invisable" thing again...

Not everyone is rude at Costco, there are a few nice people. There was that nice man who loaded my car when I was 9 months pregnant with Mason. He was an EMT and didn't want me to go into labor in the parking lot. He said he didn't want to have to deliver my baby. :-) But I think the rudeness is much worse during the holidays. I've been run into with a cart (ouch!), my kids have been run into with carts (that made me mad!!), I've even had my foot ran over by a car in the Costco parking lot (the guy was lucky he didn't really hurt me!!). By far my favorite Costco story is the one that inspired my blog's name back in February of last year. The "How Did I Get Here" Story?

Now that we live farther away from Costco, I'll probably be shopping there less. I guess I'll have to plan ahead. That's okay though, less chance for frustration and injury...


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