T-town swim meet!

It's always fun when your pool hosts the swim meet! The meet this week was at the Tierrasanta pool. JP was working on Saturday, so I had to do this one alone. Swim meets start soooo stinking early, it's a really long day for Mason. Luckily a girlfriend offered to keep an eye on Bryce at the pool, until I got there later in the morning. Blake was bummed that he couldn't swim, we are still trying to rest the broken finger.

Mason ran around the pool deck with my hat on.
He couldn't see anything and kept bumping into things, it was really cute.

Blake is sad, no swim meet for you!

Breast stroke, Bryce's favorite :-) He did really well this meet. If he had been swimming a USA meet like with his old team, he would have made a "B" time in one of his events.


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