3 out of 4

Genes are a powerful thing, they make your kids look just like you (or at least your relatives!). But man those genes get expensive!

3 weeks ago Blake got his palatal expander off. They put in an upper holding arch to keep things in place. He was so excited to be free of that appliance. But wait! One chair over was Marlie having her palatal expander put in! They told me I only needed 3 more kids to fill up all the chairs at the orthodontists office,(not funny) So far 3 out of my 4 kids have had funky shaped palates that required reshaping. I should just pre-pay for Mason.

Last week I had a momentary loss of my mind and took all 4 kids to the eye doctor at the same time. Thankfully Mason did not terrorize their office, but turned his Mason charm on. He has them all fooled into thinking he's sweet and well behaved.

Marlie had to get reading glasses last year. She was thrilled, I however felt terrible wondering how long she went being farsided. I meant to have everyones eyes checked just in case but got busy and forgot. Fast forward to last week. Blake is farsided too. So is Bryce. 3 out of 4. ((sigh))


Christine T. said…
Cami is farsighted, too. Brian and I are nearsighted and we recently found out Lainie is nearsighted. She's not so bad off that she needs glasses, but she's headed that way. We're a 16-eyed family. Still, I'd say you have us beat!
Denise Schiller said…
Their glasses are so cute!
Karen Dunham said…
oh, genes are bad in this case....argh. K

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