Growing feathers and starting a coop
Here's the beginnings of my chicken coop. It's a doghouse that I bought on Craigslist. It has a nice shingled roof, but it's so heavy that I'm waiting to have JP put in back on until the coop is done.
This chick is so cute! When it hatched we noticed that it didn't have any hair on his neck. I thought maybe he was sick and would die. Turns out, it's a Naked Neck Turken, which is just a different breed of chicken. He looks like a little old man. Marlie is particularly fond on this guy and named him special.
This chick is so cute! When it hatched we noticed that it didn't have any hair on his neck. I thought maybe he was sick and would die. Turns out, it's a Naked Neck Turken, which is just a different breed of chicken. He looks like a little old man. Marlie is particularly fond on this guy and named him special.