Living it up in a $25 dollar doghouse!
What does a $25 dollar dog house + 1 weeks worth of afternoons + 2 Home Depot trips = ??
One fantastic chicken coop!!!
It's been a looong week. My arms are tired and my house is a mess, but it's done! Marlie, Blake, Mason and I worked all week getting the coop ready for our 5 week old chicks. We started by painting the inside white. The wood inside the coop was unfinished, so we dug around in the shed for some leftover house paint. After the inside was painted, we cut and installed the roost bar. I found JP's jigsaw in the shed and used it to cut 2 ventilation holes and a pop door. The pop door will lead to the run that I'm building next week. Then we drilled vent holes all the way around the sides and back of the coop. Attaching the hardware cloth to the front took the longest, my arms were really tired! It was a lot of screws. After adding the front clean out door, and the pop door we introduced our girls to their new house! They seem to like it, and hopped right up to the roost bar.
Now to power clean the house so I can build the run next week!