Better late than never, right?

I know, I know it's nearly week 4 of school. But I still really want to post about our first week. So pretend that it's not the weekend before week 4, okay?

Everyone's first day of school was Tuesday September 7th. It was a bittersweet day, as it was Bryce's first day of high school. I was super excited for him, but sad at the same time. I knew that sending him to high school was the right choice for our family, but that morning I felt a huge sadness. No more pajama school mornings, no more spur of the moment trips to the beach, no more hollering at him to quit playing the drums and get some schoolwork done. JP was driving him to school tha tmorning, and as we walked them out to the car I had to fight the urge to cry like a baby. I snapped a picture and off they went. As soon as they drove away, the tears fell. Oh, what a momentous day.

I homeschooled Bryce for 9 years. That means I spent 1,620 days pouring my time into him. I taught him how to read. The first word he ever read was ".com", LOL. I taught him how to add using his Rescue Heros. We made a train out of chairs and added and subtracted Rescue Heros, from the train to learn math facts. He hated handwriting, and had terrible handwriting for many years. His favorite books in 2nd grade were, "A Cricket in Times Square" and "My Fathers Dragon". I spent 4-5 hours per day, when he was in 4th grade doing Neurodevelopmental program with him, trying to get his processing and sensory issues under control. In 7th grade we collected bugs from the backyard. After stuffing them into the "killing jar" we made, we painstakingly identified each one and pinned them down. I have such fond memories of our homeschooling adventures.

So I sniffled a bit, pulled myself together and started on another year of memory making and learning with the ones still at home. "Not Back to School" week was calling us. There were museums to visit, donuts to be eaten, dogs at the pet store to walk, beaches to visit, and Shamu was waiting...


Just Janet... said…
I can't believe he is in high school. It seems like yesterday you were telling us you were pregnant, and then we were visiting you in the hospital.... wow so much time has gone by. Congrats to you momma you did a great job!
Kelly said…
I know it's really strange to think about how long ago that really was! I have a picture of us 4, when I was on bedrest when you guys came to visit and play games :-) Your next, you will have a high schooler next year!!

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