
It's been a rough week. It's week, I don't know, of homeschooling. 7? 6? Somewhere around there. I've realized that I over committed. I over committed myself and the kids to too many things. I'm stressed, and cranky. They are stressed and cranky too.

Of course everyone likes what they are doing, (Except the teenager, he doesn't like anything, but that's a whole different post for another day). Marlie loves her 2 dance classes, and piano. Blake loves piano and guitar. Everyone loves their school classes, youth group and church nights etc... I love my small group, my playgroup, my 3 dance classes. But boy oh boy, did I over do it. I drove over 60 miles in one day. One day! It wasn't even errands, just pick ups and drop offs from school, church and activities :-(.

Part of my new found stress is being the mother of a high schooler, who is in school. I know it's the right decision for us, for where we are in our lives. But drop offs and picks ups are a PITB, no lie. With 1 kid at one school, and 2 kids at another for full-day classes, my afternoons are full of driving, blah. The other stuff, I did to myself, I committed to too many things. Of course everything is already paid for, and I"m not going to waste the money, so for now I'll stick everything out. But come a few weeks from now, things will a be a little less crazy.

I think a lot of us mothers do this to ourselves, we over commit then wonder why we are so cranky. We wonder why we are grouchy with the kids, or snappy with our husband. Even though I've had 4 kids for nearly 3 years, I sometimes feel like I'm still learning how to manage 4. I need chill time (which for me is dance). I need time to read my Bible and pray. I need time with my husband. I need time with my kids (that isn't me throwing food at them while we load up the car). I can't seem to manage a ton of preplanned things without crashing. I do much better with spontaneity. So for now, until the craziness subsides and I can drop a few activities, I'll do my best to be nice, and not cranky. My verse for the next few weeks is;

Exodus 33:14 And He said, "My presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest."


Just Janet... said…
I am going to share your verse :-) I know what you mean I over commit, and my youth group aged boys over commit without asking.... We all get cranky when I have too many things on the calendar because we function best deciding each day as it comes. I hope you get some rest, I hope I get some rest..... It goes by so fast I don't want to miss it. Thanks for your blog I love reading it.
Kelly said…
I'm glad I'm not the only one!
April said…
you are so not the only one. I have been saying the same thing since the second week of September when one day a week classes started,scouts,soccer, church firs lego twice a week, life group and more I too feel like we will stick with everything. but i want to slow down and actually enjoy the homeschoolig part. We went camping this last weekend and I thought it would be cool to stay longer but oh no we have all of these things that people count us to be there. My hardest part is .... What do we cut back on it just all seems so important the kids need exercise the should be in music, the lego club is great for science and getting to know people. if we only had all the answers then we would know exactly what we could handle and then stop.
Lisa said…
Had an amazing epiphany this week on this very issue b/c I feel like I've been very careful to not over-commit and yet I'm exhibiting all the signs of an over-stressed, over-committee mama. The epiphany, though, was that for me, I fail to realize how long each commitment really takes and so while I think a one-hour meeting should take one hour of my time, it really takes 2-3 once I include prep time, travel time, etc. And so although I feel like I may have only added 2-3 hours of things to my schedule each week, that actually amounts to 10 hours and that's why I'm feeling like it's too much. So now I have to go through my schedule and put "actual" times for each event. I fear my schedule will look much worse than I thought -- and likely will explain the way I've been feeling the past few weeks.

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