Gasp! He looks like a teenager!
Bryce got red hair gel in his stocking at Christmas. It was sort of a joke. I found it at the 99 cent store and thought it would be funny to put it in his stocking. He laughed when he opened it and then he tossed it in his drawer. I forgot about it until a little while ago. We were having friends over for dinner and I dared him to put it in his hair. Bryce plays it very safe with his hair, I knew he wouldn't do it, so I double dog dared him to do it!! He said "no way" then ran off. A few minutes later he comes running out with his hair red and sticking up. I couldn't believe that he actually did it. It was really funny. I snapped a picture before he ran off to the shower to wash it out.
I actually gasped outloud when I looked at the picture. He looked like a teenager! He's pretty big, 5'4 and 100lbs. (He just broke 100lbs at the ped's office a month ago. He was jumping up and down like a goofball so excited to have gotten to 100lbs). I can't believe he's only 11!