House Hunting 101

We went looking at houses today. I had planned to bring all 4 of the kids, since we did last time and it worked out fine. My mom offered to keep them at the last minute, so I left the 3 big kids with her. Well it was a good thing that she kept them! At all 4 of the houses we looked at, the owners were there!? It was super weird walking thru houses with the owners home. When you house hunt you kind of want to be able to point out things like, "Eww, that wallpaper would have to go" or "Oh my gosh, those neighbors look really creepy". LOL Anyway, we found 3 houses that were big no's, and 1 house that JP loved . I like it too, (although every single room had awful wallpaper!) it's at the top of our price range though, soooo I'm not sure we'd be able to talk them down any. (Just for Bud, it's mls# 076093049)


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