Crazy Winter Storms 2
Today, Friday, the rain slowed down a bit during the day. So we grabbed my mom and we all headed down to the beach to watch the waves. The pier was closed, but we had a nice (chilly!) lunch on the sea wall.
The kids fed their leftover pb&j and carrots to the seagulls. Surprisingly, no one gave the gulls their chocolate chip cookies! At one point the gulls completely swarmed Marlie and she came running over and hid under the ledge of the sea wall.
Mason checks out the waves!
The 3 big kids and Nana
The waves were big, but I'm not sure if they were the 15-20 foot waves that were predicted. they were definitely hitting the bottom of the pier, but 20 feet? Hmm. After an entire week of being stuck inside, I don't think anyone cared how big or little the waves were. We were just glad to be out of the house!