My poor little neglected garden
Last summer was a great growing season in our yard. Marlie and I planted our first square foot garden, and did very well with it. We still have tomatoes in the freezer! After summer passed, the chickens found the garden, and destroyed what was left growing in it. They dug up all of the woodchips around the garden, and flung them into the garden. They dug down far in the compost, and made themselves dirt bathing areas, LOL! It didn't bother me, I was too busy to care.
Now, it's spring, and I care that my garden is a mess! So I told Marlie no more chickens free-ranging, unless she's watching them. That solves the chickens in the garden problem. I'm also going to build boxes for my garden. Last year I just marked it off with bricks. It worked just fine, but I'm ready to have something a little more permanent. I'd love to go crazy and build a bunch of garden boxes, but I think 2 is about all I can manage taking care of.
Last summer was our first time with a garden and I learned a lot. I spent a bunch of money buying plants. I want a bigger garden this year, which would cost me more in plants. Last summer we tried planting seeds directly in the garden, and they didn't always come up. I was at Walmart and saw this little Jiffy Greenhouse for $6.00 and though we'd give it a try.
If you've gardened for any length of time, you probably already know all about these things, but if you're a newbie like me you've never seen one before. It came with 72 little peat moss "pots". You add water to them, and they expand like crazy. Then you plant the seeds in the moss and let them sprout inside. We only planted 7 different kinds of seeds, I wanted to start small.
Marlie stuck it on top of the computer cabinet, near the back door. It will get plenty of light, and hopefully we will have healthy plants growing in the next month. That should give me enough time to get my boxes ready!
Now, it's spring, and I care that my garden is a mess! So I told Marlie no more chickens free-ranging, unless she's watching them. That solves the chickens in the garden problem. I'm also going to build boxes for my garden. Last year I just marked it off with bricks. It worked just fine, but I'm ready to have something a little more permanent. I'd love to go crazy and build a bunch of garden boxes, but I think 2 is about all I can manage taking care of.
Last summer was our first time with a garden and I learned a lot. I spent a bunch of money buying plants. I want a bigger garden this year, which would cost me more in plants. Last summer we tried planting seeds directly in the garden, and they didn't always come up. I was at Walmart and saw this little Jiffy Greenhouse for $6.00 and though we'd give it a try.
If you've gardened for any length of time, you probably already know all about these things, but if you're a newbie like me you've never seen one before. It came with 72 little peat moss "pots". You add water to them, and they expand like crazy. Then you plant the seeds in the moss and let them sprout inside. We only planted 7 different kinds of seeds, I wanted to start small.
Marlie stuck it on top of the computer cabinet, near the back door. It will get plenty of light, and hopefully we will have healthy plants growing in the next month. That should give me enough time to get my boxes ready!